Massage is the therapeutic application of hands-on techniques to manipulate the musculoskeletal tissue. Like with human sports massage, the same principles can be applied to horses. Equine sports massage can be used on any horse from the “happy hacker” to the competition horse. A combination of different strokes and techniques are used on the horse to relieve tightness, enhance form and promote relaxation.
Equine sports massage is classed as a complementary therapy and its use has become more popular over the past 20 years. Many horses are now classed as equine athletes which has been driven by competitions. Nowadays, horses are required to jump higher, race further, gallop faster and move in increasingly technically difficult ways to win competitions. This pressure on the equine athlete pushes their physical and mental capabilities to the limit and thus the need for a solid support network from therapists, veterinarians and trainers.
Contact us today to book an equine massage treatment.